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Inquiry Based Learning
Sacred Heart Croydon
An der Keysborough Gardens Primary School stehen unsere Schüler bei der Gestaltung all unserer Lehr- und Lernmöglichkeiten im Mittelpunkt. Wir streben an, dass alle Studierenden als Lernende Erfolg haben und wachsen und ihren eigenen Kurs für lebenslanges Lernen entwickeln. Wir möchten, dass unsere Schüler in die Lage versetzt werden, Verantwortung für ihr Lernen zu übernehmen, sinnvolle Beiträge zu ihrer Lernumgebung zu leisten und Probleme anzugehen, die in der Welt um sie herum auftreten.
Unsere Schule erkennt die zentrale Rolle der Lehrkräfte an. Von ihnen wird erwartet, dass sie ansprechende und herausfordernde Lernprogramme entwickeln und optimale Bedingungen für das Lernen der Schüler schaffen, einschließlich der Unterstützung der Eltern als Erstausbilder und Partner in der Bildung.
Sie modellieren lebenslanges Lernen, indem sie Reflexion und tiefes Denken in ihre Praxis integrieren und sich selbst und ihre Schüler herausfordern, neues Wissen mitzukonstruieren und anzuwenden.

Literacy is foundational to learning at Sacred Heart. Guided by the Victorian Curriculum, students develop knowledge, understandings and skills in Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening.
Catering for individual differences and personal learning styles drives teaching and learning in Literacy. This is facilitated by ongoing assessment which informs teachers and directs planning and teaching to achieve positive outcomes.
Literacy learning blocks consist of whole class teaching, independent learning time and sharing time. Games and interactive, hands-on activities are utilised to engage students during the Literacy learning Sacred Heart strives to foster a love of reading and writing in students.
Numeracy at Sacred Heart encompasses the key curriculum areas of
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Statistics and Probability
Emphasis is placed on teaching each child at their point of need and supporting each child to develop confidence in the understanding and application of Numeracy concepts. Linking student mathematical knowledge and skills to real world contexts is vital. It is important for all students to not only understand mathematical concepts, but recognise how they are used in our world and to apply them in problem solving situations. Sacred Heart aim to achieve this by developing the following proficiencies in each learner:
Problem Solving

Religious Education
Sacred Heart’s approach to Education in Faith is based on understanding, experiencing and evaluating what it is to be a Catholic in our contemporary world. Pedagogy of Encounter is used to plan for learning in Religious Education. As part of the planning process the children are given opportunities to take their understanding outside the classroom, into the community and into the real world.
Sacrament learning is incorporated as part of the classroom programs. In collaboration with the Parish the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. As members of the parish our families are involved with Parish Celebrations and events.
Students are prepared for reception of Sacraments by their teachers, in collaboration with the Parish. Children are prepared for Reconciliation and First Communion in Year 3 and Confirmation in Year 6.
As members of the Parish, parents are expected to participate actively in the Sacramental programs, including attendance at Parent Information Sessions and Parent/Child workshops and Commitment
Sacred Heart endeavours to integrate Digital Technologies and ICT across the curriculum. The Digital Technologies curriculum empowers students to expand their creativity and problem solving skills through the development of digital solutions and application of information systems.
Students at Sacred Heart are well resourced with a range of hardware to enhance learning. Chromebooks and iPads are used across our school. Students are also able to access hands-on experience with robotics and coding through the use of Spheros.
Cyber Safety and the responsible use of technology is at the forefront of how we interact with Digital Technologies. We are an eSmart school and students are challenged to take an active role in spreading these values across our community.

Visual arts at Sacred Heart is woven throughout curriculum areas and facilitated by classroom teachers allowing students to showcase their wide range of artistic, creative and design skills. Students are often making and creating as part of a mathematics lesson; in response to a story; or in preparation for a liturgy or Sacrament.
Students are given opportunities to experiment with and use a vast array of art techniques and materials from Prep to Grade 6 such as painting, printmaking, sculpting and collage. Student’s artwork is displayed proudly in classrooms, and throughout the open learning spaces for all to see. The bi-annual art show provides children with an audience to showcase their artistic talents.
Social Emotional Learning
Sacred Heart is committed to providing a school environment that prioritises wellbeing. The promotion of a whole school approach to student learning and wellbeing is supported by all and led by the Principal, Deputy Principal and Student Wellbeing Leader.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) can help students learn the competencies and skills they need to build resilience and effectively manage their emotions, behaviour and relationships with others. Sacred Heart uses a number of resources to help students develop their self awareness, and an awareness of others. The Berry Street Education Model is embedded into all areas of the school, including the practice of Welcome Circles. This helps to set students up for a day of learning and cooperation.
We use elements of the Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationship to help students to develop and maintain positive relationships and better understand their own emotions.
All students participate in a Buddies program with students from other levels in the school. The Buddies program is designed to develop social skills and allow students to share learning experiences.

Sustainability is about sharing the planet and creating a livable future for all of us inhabiting the Earth. Sacred Heart is fully committed to living and learning sustainably, by upholding the vision of the papal letter, Laudato Si, to care for our common home. Sacred Heart strives to integrate Sustainability throughout the curriculum. Explicit Sustainability goals are visible across the school and serve to drive teaching and learning.
Students, led by the Environment Team, are empowered to bring Sacred Hearts sustainability vision to life. They raise awareness and take action throughout our community, driving initiatives including clean up days, planting, monitoring water usage and composting among many others as we work towards becoming a ResourceSmart School. Within the grounds of Sacred Heart, there are well established fruit, vegetable and herb gardens, as well as a Frog Bog, that are accessible to, and maintained, by the students.
![shscroydon logo [500px].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/feb9d5_9ac5364cb3444a7ea4dc15c273597838~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_118,h_118,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/shscroydon%20logo%20%5B500px%5D.png)
Unser Lernen
Physical Education
Sacred Heart provides a comprehensive Physical Education program for every student in the school. Values relating to sport, including fair play, respect and inclusivity are promoted.
The goal of the Physical Education program is to build a life-long love and enjoyment of participation in physical activity. The objective is to prepare students with the essential skills to sustain a healthy and active lifestyle beyond their school years. Students are encouraged to strive to achieve their personal best in everything they undertake.
Sacred Heart is a member school of School Sport Victoria.A variety of House sporting events are conducted for the Grade Three to Six students each year to help form a team to represent the school at a District level. These events include swimming, cross country and athletics. These competitions provide opportunities to progress through to National carnivals.
Each year, all students will participate in a two-week structured School Progressive Swimming Program. This will provide the students with the optimal opportunity to learn, develop and strengthen their swimming abilities, gain confidence in the water whilst expanding their water safety knowledge.

Sacred Heart values the language diversity that exists within the school and community. In today’s interconnected and interdependent world, proficiency in multiple languages is a vital skill that promotes literacy, empathy and problem solving, amongst many things.
Students have a dedicated Italian language lesson with a specialist teacher every week from Prep to Year 6. Classes use gesturing, engaging stories, songs and activities to help students succeed in learning the language.
Classroom teachers and school staff work to include Italian language in their everyday interactions with students and each other. This approach is highly effective to increase language acquisition and ensure that Italian is used in an authentic and meaningful way for all students as well as being a really fun and vibrant feature of Sacred Heart.
Sacred Heart has a beautiful Library learning space that all students have access to weekly. Borrowing takes place through specialist Library lessons, or with classroom teachers.
Access to Chromebooks for Information Literacy Learning occurs in the middle to senior years. Students in Prep-2 experience literature enjoyment and development through shared stories and activities.
Celebrations of Literature occur throughout the year, with events such as National Simultaneous Storytime and Book Week.

Performing Arts
Performing Arts at Sacred Heart combines the teaching of Music, Dance and Drama curriculum. Through the Performing Arts, students are encouraged to explore their creative and expressive capabilities, and build on key skills to confidently share and perform alongside their peers.
Students learn about the Elements of Music and practise recreating sounds and rhythm by experimenting with melodic and non- melodic instruments. They explore the culture and history behind dance and movement in the local community as well as across the global community. Students are exposed to a variety of different dance elements and styles. Dramatic play and improvisation activities provide opportunities to further develop and stretch their imaginations. Students explore the idea of ‘storytelling’, and work with their peers to create simple scenes and participate in scripted role plays.
Students in all levels participate in a Whole School Concert bi-anually that combines the curriculum areas of Drama, Dance and Music.
Students are given the opportunity to learn tuned instruments through private tuition onsite which facilitates guitar, keyboard, drums and voice lessons throughout the week.
Reading Recovery
Sacred Heart offers Reading Recovery, an early intervention program designed for students in Year 1 who are experiencing difficulty in reading and writing after one year of schooling.
Each student has an individual program which is delivered daily for a maximum of 20 weeks. The lesson has a range of reading and writing activities, which build on what is known and familiar; so that the student can make accelerated progress and become an active learner.

Unser Lernen
An der Keysborough Gardens Primary School stehen unsere Schüler bei der Gestaltung all unserer Lehr- und Lernmöglichkeiten im Mittelpunkt. Wir streben an, dass alle Studierenden als Lernende Erfolg haben und wachsen und ihren eigenen Kurs für lebenslanges Lernen entwickeln. Wir möchten, dass unsere Schüler in die Lage versetzt werden, Verantwortung für ihr Lernen zu übernehmen, sinnvolle Beiträge zu ihrer Lernumgebung zu leisten und Probleme anzugehen, die in der Welt um sie herum auftreten.
Unsere Schule erkennt die zentrale Rolle der Lehrkräfte an. Von ihnen wird erwartet, dass sie ansprechende und herausfordernde Lernprogramme entwickeln und optimale Bedingungen für das Lernen der Schüler schaffen, einschließlich der Unterstützung der Eltern als Erstausbilder und Partner in der Bildung.
Sie modellieren lebenslanges Lernen, indem sie Reflexion und tiefes Denken in ihre Praxis integrieren und sich selbst und ihre Schüler herausfordern, neues Wissen mitzukonstruieren und anzuwenden.